2018 ACTLab CFP

ACTLab Conference – Culture, Art, and Technology in the 22nd Century (CAT22) Redux

Released:  Jan 23rd, 2018 [ San Antonio, Texas, USA ]

$50 Conference Pass (Scholarships Available, See Below)


The 2nd ACTLab Conference – Culture, Art, and Technology in the 22nd Century (CAT22) Redux will be held May 18th-20th, 2018 in San Antonio, Texas. We invite proposals for papers, roundtable discussions, workshops, dialogues, performances, actions, print-making/poster sessions, storytelling, digital media, maker events, un-conference open format, or things that fit all or none of those categories. The conference will be organized as presentations in the traditional ACTLab “end of semester” style, but any style suitable to the presenter’s work is acceptable. We encourage artists, theorists, geeks, tinkerers, practitioners, academics, curious bystanders, ACTLabbies, former ACTLabbies, friends, family, acquaintances, and anyone interested in collisions of art, technology, and culture or the ACTLab educational style (http://actlab.us/?page_id=336), to submit a proposal by March 2nd, 2018.

During our twenty five active years, the ACTLab community — focused on the purpose-built studio designed to facilitate our work — grew, developed, and spread. Now there are hundreds of ACTLabbies in an informal global network, sharing experiences and stories of our time together at the inception of what would become the field of New Media. As New Media increasingly becomes anchored in time, the character of the discipline naturally changes, and many who can proudly say “we were there” during the heyday look inside and miss the atmosphere of guts-and-glory creativity. This conference is a call to return to our roots and look forward together.


We are particularly interested in:

  • academic papers about culture, art, and technology in the 22nd century
  • demonstrations of projects
  • proofs of concept
  • performances, behaviours, happenings, disparate connections
  • video and audio compositions, code repositories
  • glitches, accidents, failed experiments
  • indexing, exposing, mining, leaking, annotating, or any folksonomy
  • multi-modal, mesh, distributed or multi-lingual computing
  • creative technologies
  • sentiments, recommendations, user stories, reviews, qualitative evidence
  • perma-biology, hacktivism, dorkbot, live code
  • brain interface, kinetic interactions, Trans-fu, multigender
  • collective intelligence, consensus computing

The conference continues the mode of end-of-semester project presentations of the ACTLab program created at UT Austin and continuing at the European Graduate School EGS in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.


Guidelines for submissions:

  • Submit your:  Name, Address, Email Address, Phone Number, Title of Submission, abstract/description and a Short Bio
  • Papers: submit an abstract, no longer than 250 words
  • Performance, demonstration, or experiences: submit a short proof of concept video, no longer than 5 minutes
  • Video and audio compositions and demos of projects: submit a short essay pitching your project, no longer than 250 words
  • Electronic proposals preferred.  Submission should be emailed to:  actlabconference@gmail.com


Main guidelines for the ACTLab Conference:

  • Make Stuff
  • Take Risks
  • Be Awesome





Conference Announcement & CFP January 23rd, 2018  

EXTENDED TO MARCH 9TH– CFP Deadline (Submit to:  actlabconference@gmail.com)

March 23rd, 2018 – Notification of acceptance

May 18th – 19th, 2018 – Conference will be held at Dreamonoid’s Hi-Fi and other TBA Locations


Contact Information

Person of Contact:  joey lopez phd (actlabconference@gmail.com)

Follow Us on Facebook at:  The ACTLab Community

Event Page on FB:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1581574588596598/

We hope to see you at the ACTLab Conference – Culture, Art, and Technology in the 22nd Century (CAT22) Redux