Monthly Archives: January 2017

CMC Student Highlight: Erika Muth


The Convergent Media Collective would like to recognize Erika for her work this past Fall 2016 in the UIW Convergent Media I class.

img_5281Erika came into the class ready to try new things.  A regular DJ for KRTU 91.7 and music lover, Erika explored her creative side through two awesome projects.  The goal of Convergent Media I is for students to:  Make Stuff, Take Risks and Be Awesome.  Having a solid grasp of traditional production, Erika decided to take the motto literally and Make Stuff.  The results were two awesome projects!

EL Wire Sculpture Project-  Having an affection for neon signs, but being a college student on a budget, Erika decided to sculpt her project out of EL wire, a low cost luminescent wire.   The process was as amazing as the results.  It is always great to see students learn through their process and attempt different techniques.  Erika’s ability to problem solve along the way is amazing!  Check out her documentation video:

img_6225-1Sonic Pi-   Erika decided to really challange herself by not only constructing a Raspberry Pi setup, but also installing Sonic Pi, a sound programing language.  Her ability to create unique compositions, as well as familiar ones was amazing, especially since she was doing it with all open source software.  This kind of project is what Convergent Media is all about, aka exploring spaces that require risk and exploration to even dive into yet, yet master.

I would like to thank Erika for not only making great projects, but documenting them with such compelling videos and enthusiasm.  It is students like Erika that have made the CMC so proud of the UIW CM concentration!

I was also able to capture some in class footage of her presentations, which you can watch below: