Music & Movie making in Texas. A Conference about Producing Music and Movies in Texas and the study of it.
Date: 4/15/2023
Time: 9:30am – 6pm
Location: LAAH 453 (map), Texas A&M, College Station, TX
Registration: https://forms.gle/z1y5fGMfu49kHvEU8
Zoom Link: https://tamu.zoom.us/j/92112640081
Point of Contact: joey phd jtlopez123@tamu.edu
Creative Workshop Space: 1:30pm – 4pm
Video Live Streaming (LAAH 463) – Professor Guajardo of Texas A&M’s Department of Communication & Journalism will be giving Live Streaming Demonstrations.
Synth Space/Music Space (LAAH 504) – Professor William Connor of Texas A&M’s School of Performing, Visualization & Fine Arts, along with student Rolf will be facilitating music making, recording and production demonstrations.
9:30am Coffee & Light Breakfast, Check In
9:45am Introduction
10am Media Studies Panel (Moderator joey phd, Texas A&M Professor)
Matthew Campbell Ph.D.– Lecturer, School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts, Texas A&M. Specializes in media studies, teaching music studies courses such as the History of Rock and Roll.
George Villanueva Ph.D.– Associate Professor, Department of Communication & Journalism, Texas A&M. Dr. Villanueva’s primary inquiries are in researching how marginalized communities of color survive the material realities of structural oppression that have been reproduced along the intersectional social identities of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and class. To this end, he researches the role that communication, organizing, media, activism, and expressive culture play in place-based advocacy and social change goals of marginalized communities of color in cities.
Anthony Ramirez Ph.D. – Assistant Professor of Communication, University of Houston Downtown. Dr. Ramirez research focuses on Latinx representation in popular culture and media. Other topics of research that he focuses on are media representation of immigration and issues of the U.S./Mexico border.
Gabriel Duran M.F.A.– Assistant Professor of Media Production, Department of Communication & Media, Texas A&M Corpus Christi. As a writer and director, his films have won several awards and screened on over 50 different occasions worldwide, including a television show on PBS (KERA). Gabriel is also the founder and co-owner of Vivid Vita Events, an event promoter who advocates significant Latino events. He is also the director of an international Latino film festival in DFW. He strives to bring DFW the complete Latin American film experience. As the Festival De Cine Latino Americano director, his goal is to bring independent filmmakers of Latin America into the spotlight. Gabriel teaches film, intermediate screenwriting, and production courses at Texas A&M Corpus Christi.
11am BCS Landscape Local Production & Venue Panel (Moderator Zayno Rayne, Artist, Grand Stafford, Texas A&M) (IG))
- 101 Bar – Jeremy Stark (IG)
- JMG Band: Micheal Rodriguez (IG)
- Vision Studios: Gustavo (IG)
- LIVE Collective: Dayytona (SPOTIFY)
- Roderick Hayes: GhostLaFa (IG)
Noon – 12:30pm Lunch
BlueBaker Lunch
12:30pm – 2pm Key Notes
- Stan Renard Ph.D.- Dr. Stan Renard is an Associate Dean, Arts Management and Entrepreneurship Coordinator, and Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma. He is also the Director of the Arts Incubation Research Lab (AIR Lab), a National Endowment for the Arts Research Lab.
- Gabriel Duran M.F.A- Assistant Professor of Media Production, Department of Communication & Media, Texas A&M Corpus Christi. As a writer and director, his films have won several awards and screened on over 50 different occasions worldwide, including a television show on PBS (KERA). Gabriel is also the founder and co-owner of Vivid Vita Events, an event promoter who advocates significant Latino events. He is also the director of an international Latino film festival in DFW. He strives to bring DFW the complete Latin American film experience. As the Festival De Cine Latino Americano director, his goal is to bring independent filmmakers of Latin America into the spotlight. Gabriel teaches film, intermediate screenwriting, and production courses at Texas A&M Corpus Christi.
2pm – Film making panel (Moderator Arden Duffield and Leo Garza)
Haley Cox
A-Line Magazine Videography Chief, Texas A&M B.S. Psychology
Sheyla Hidalgo
A-Line Magazine Videographer, Texas A&M B.A. in Communication with a Spanish Minor
Amy Kingston (she/her)
A-Line Magazine Videography Member, Texas A&M B.S. Communication & Journalism major with a certificate in Social Media and a minor in Sports Management
Alex Pitcher
Filmmaker and student at NYU pursuing a degree in Film and TV production. Alex specializes in writing and directing, and writes mostly genre short films. Alex is currently working on “Pastry Man” an animated short film about a pastry chef who turns into frosting.
Zach Gentry
Film maker and NYU student pursuing a degree in Film and TV production, Zach specializes in writing screenplays. He most recently finished production for “Patrice of the Park” a documentary which chronicles one middle-aged New Yorkers mission to capture a pigeon and sell it to the Central Park zoo.
3pm – Musician/Band Panel (Moderator Zayno Rayne, Artist, Grand Stafford, Texas A&M)
The Working Hours – The Working Hours is an up and coming band from Houston, TX. The band’s sound is inspired by many genres including but not limited to pop, acoustic, rock, blues and reggae. (IG)
Gray Falls – Gray Falls is a genre-blending alternative rock band from the DIY community of Houston, TX. Energy and having fun is what a gray falls show is all about. (IG)
JonoJono – JonoJono is a curious hybrid honing the smooth rides and synth sounds of RnB with a sheer use of electric distortion from Grunge / Metal in his music. This Florida born, Houston, TX raised singer/guitarist/producer has equally strong musical influences from the likes of Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), Erykah Badu, James Hetfield (Metallica), & Frank Ocean (along with his uprising counterparts in the early LA group “Odd Future”), which makes his definition of Indie music own no limitations. In his words, he believes that “music shouldn’t have a name or a label as long as it’s authentic…It should be a gift of freedom to share stories in any way you want no matter the expectation of others” and this rebellious attitude truly reveals itself on stage making his gritty and catchy riffs resonate in multiple sensations for those who listen. (IG)
Dayytona – Artist and part of Live Collective, based out of Houston, TX.(SPOTIFY)
Kidd Drip – Artist x producer from Houston (IG)
Shain – Houston based Artist from Los Angeles California goes by the name of SHAIIN is a multidimensional talent musically with a lot to offer a pure rap artist who is willing to bring nothing but the best out of himself every time.(IG)
4pm – Emerging Texan Filmmakers – Showcase (8th – 9th)
Texas A&M Corpus Christi Student Films
Texas A&M Student Films