The CMC presents at STEAM3


In the fall of 2013 we were made aware of STEAM3, a national conference at the University of Texas at Austin. The March 1-2 conference was a future-focused event for all ages to explore multi-dimensional, captivating approaches to the future of education. joey was asked by the conference organizer to be 1 of 20 presenters to give a presentation on STEAM related issues.

joey’s talk was titled, “STEAM in the 21st Century: Maker and Creative Spaces Inside and Outside the Classroom.” He discussed the STEAM landscape in San Antonio, TX and how The Convergent Media Collective has contributed to this movement. For a refresher about what we do check out our Youtube channel:


In addition, the collective was asked to host a demo area.  We managed to put together a set of demonstrations to show off some of the projects we had worked on in the past year. Below is an example of some of the augmented reality demos we had at our table. Video taken by iG user: esiowing

Both our presentation and booth were a hit with the conference goers giving joey a big round of applause and a slew of questions. Andrew Valdez did a great job showing off our projects as you can see in the photos.  A big shout out goes to him for all his efforts. He is also responsible for the awesome banner we currently have.

This conference provided an opportunity for the collective to show off their work beyond the city limits of San Antonio. It is fair to say that our work is on par with that of other groups and organizations within the state. The collective managed to network with other like-minded people and discuss new media and STEAM in the 21st century.

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